Polish Association In Texas
P.O. Box 910231, Sherman, TX 75091
E-mail: contact@polishassocintexas.org
Phone: 903-815-3747
History of the Polish
Association In Texas
Our organization was established in 1958. On April 14th, 1958 the Organization was
formally registered with County Clerk of
Dallas as Polish Association in Texas. From the very beginning, the Association was heavily engaged in charitable activities and promotion of the Polish culture and traditions. It organized many patriotic events commemorating various Polish national and religious holidays. Very important aspect ... (please click below to learn more.)
Members of our organization actively participated in the development of Project ACP, a carefully planned observership training for Polish physicians at Medical City Dallas Childrens Hospital. At this time many members of the Association work on the implementation of Project ACP. Our Association owns all of the rights to the Project. Everyone is encouraged to take an active role in the Project! Please join us in this effort!!! Please contact us at contact@polishassocintexas.org to actively participate in the further development of Project ACP or to support this effort financially. Get involved! You can help!
Polish Association in Texas at a Glance

Here at the Polish Association in Texas, we are driven by a single goal: to do our part in making the world a better place for all. We strive to better understand and fully integrate into the lives of the entire Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex area.
At the same time, as Poles by heritage, we cherish Poland’s history, traditions, culture, and traditional Polish values. Our community has traditional Polish social values — such as tolerance, hard work, compassion for the lives of others, and a genuine helpful hand for anyone that needs it.

Stowarzyszenie Polaków w Texasie pracuje aby uczynić Å›wiat lepszym i przyjaznym miejscem dla nas wszystkich. JesteÅ›my częściÄ… spoÅ‚ecznoÅ›ci metroplexu Dallas - Fort Worth; chcemy zacieÅ›niać wszystkie wiÄ™zy jakie polska spoÅ‚eczność wyksztaÅ‚ciÅ‚a przez ponad 60 lat swej obecnoÅ›ci w póÅ‚nocnym Teksasie.
Jednocześnie, jako Polacy z pochodzenia, hołubimy historię Polski, tradycje, kulturę i tradycyjne wartości. Nasze najwyższe wartości to tolerancja, pracowitość, empatia i szczera pomocna dłoń dla każdego potrzebującego.


Contact Polish Association in Texas
Get in touch with Polish Association in Texas to learn more about our work and how you can get involved.
E-mail: contact@polishassocintexas.org
Mailing Address:
Polish Association in Texas
P.O. Box 910231, Sherman, TX 75091
Connect with us via